These days, the image of the little house amidst the cool green vegetable gardens are spread quickly on social media and tourist hunt. In just a few days, the photographs date attracted more than 20,000 likes and shares. Many people assign to this dream house name "house from heaven" or "Little House on the Prairie".
In fact, this is a picture taken from the resort Baan Rai I Arun, Amphoe Muang Ranong, Ranong, Thailand. This resort has attracted tourist attention in Thailand in late 2015 and has shortlisted five best eco resort golden temple country.

Ranong province in central Thailand, 570 km from Bangkok and is the province with the smallest population, with a population of less than 200,000. Ranong natural scenery typical of humid climates with waterfalls, hot springs and mangroves. Previously very few tourists interested in Ranong, however, following the popularity of the resort Baan Rai I Arun, this place promises to be the destination for those who want to soak up the natural, refined living life bar, relaxed as in the first place Penglai scene.

Baan in Thai means "house", Rai as the "farm", I was "fog" and Arun is "dawn", Baan Rai Arun I mean between the ranch house, where you can sunk in fog and watch the sunrise. True to its name, visitors come to this place will be a space to live in almost complete isolation from the world outside, Resort in the cabin, sunny, eyes fixed on the vegetable garden interrupt.
Not so far away in that house lacked amenities, entered the house, visitors are offered a sense of what a resort no less invested. Everything is clean, tidy though small is something small, petite.

This is the idea of a young architect named Viroj Chimme. He decided to build this unique resort right on his hometown, realizing the dream so long as the family lives a simple life, away from modern life, no television, no wifi, where can themselves planting, watering vegetables and cool for picking fruit await farmers with gentle Thai hospitality. Gradually, the place becomes a form of homestay accommodation, or form a small resort.
Baan Rai I Arun just 2 cabin rental and information about this place mostly in Thai. However, travelers can make a reservation through the resort's Facebook page, where frequently shared, updated photos of Baan Rai i green Arun day.
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